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Thai Western Food

"Thai Western food? Uh, okay I guess." That was my reaction when my Aunt wanted to know if I wanted to go try Greyhound in the IFC in Central, Hong Kong. It's a hard life for someone who has 5 aunts who feel like they have to take them to delicious, new places each time I'm back in Hong Kong. Who am I kidding... no it's not. I love my life. But what I do not love is [insert Asian food here] and Western food. I mean Asian food is Asian and Western is Western. Unless... it's fusion then I can understand but this place was just Thai and Western. Shrugs I decided to go for it. Who am I turn down a potential delicious meal? Plus, Greyhound is apparently the same place she likes to eat when she vacations in Thailand. 

 Isn't that the PUMA logo with the name of the bus? Not judging...
 Pad Thai! Yum! I usually do not like Pad Thai. Given the choice, I'd choose Pad Se Ew over it. I just think the concept of having sweet noodles is weird. Aunt insisted on getting it and I'm glad she did. SOOOOOOOO good! Even better than the Pad Thais I've had in Thailand!!! We ordered two of these. That's how amazing it was. Did I mention the line for this place was insane? They had two rounds of dinner times and every guest that walked in had a Hermes  Birkin bag. #richpeopleproblems. 
 These were the highlight of my night! Mini fried wings! So good! The skin was delicious!!! Yes, yes, yes! *Cue Herbal Essence commercial here! It might be hard to tell how tiny there are in this picture since I zoomed in but trust me, they were tiny! 
 Yummy spicy rice! So good! It even came with some soup filled with MSG. Love MSG soup usually but this wasn't so special. It's okay I forgive your not up to par MSG soup. 
 This was another spicy beef rice dish we ordered. It was bleh.... 
So by this time I was stuffed. Did I mention I had this dinner with plans to eat dessert with a friend and also right before having a huge lunch with another aunt of mine? I eat a lot, yeah I know. I ordered the mango sticky rice which was okay. At this point I was too full. Apparently this place makes the best chocolate brownies. What the heck right? Next time! I love brownies!

By the way, the best, best, best part of this was the shirts the staff were wearing. They had fun T-shirts with awesome sayings like: 

"Life is short. Can I get you more dessert?"
"I can't speak Thai, but i sure can recommend some delicious Thai dishes!" 

I have a soft spot for funny shirts, especially funny shirts that have to do with food. You should see my collection of Got Pho and random Chinese shirts.

Happy Eatings!

Overeating Is NOT Smart

Fabulous Multitasking: I Get My Purses; My Food From the Same Place