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Reporting on the Coronavirus

Reporting on the Coronavirus

Hi friends!

Sorry, it’s been awhile since I updated. I’ve been on the frontlines reporting on the coronavirus in Los Angeles. I hope you all are staying safe and checking in on friends and family. I just wanted to remind you guys the best way to get in touch with me and see what I’m working on is on Instagram here. I actually created a tab to help you guys navigate through this quarantine craziness so be sure to check it out. I hope it’ll be useful for you Angelenos.

I also wanted to share some of the important reporting I’ve been working on. I hope I’ll see you all in the flesh soon!

Here’s an excerpt from my last article:

Take a drive through the San Gabriel Valley, and it will look significantly different from many other cities in the U.S. under stay-at-home orders right now: Droves of people are out and about, going to the market, getting gas, stocking up on to-go orders — but nearly everyone is wearing face masks and latex gloves. 

The SGV is masked up and has been for weeks. In the month leading up to LA Mayor Eric Garcetti’s “Safer at Home” order, which was issued on March 15, Southern California’s most populated Asian-American community was already quietly preparing for the worst. 

While cities around the country neglected to take the threat from the novel coronavirus seriously until it became a pandemic, many in the SGV are immigrants who can recall memories of the SARS/H1N1 outbreak and knew what was happening from news and social media networks, so they began wearing face masks, gloves, and stocking up on wipes and sanitizer in bulk. 

The results of that preparation speak for themselves: Even as residents move somewhat freely through the area, according to the latest data from the LA County Department of Public Health, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in San Gabriel Valley cities have been significantly fewer than other municipalities such as Beverly Hills or Brentwood. For example, Alhambra and San Gabriel combined for 17 cases while Beverly Hills and Brentwood have a total of 62 as of March 30.

To read some of my coronavirus coverage click below:

SGV Was Weeks Ahead of LA on Coronavirus; Here’s What Life Is Like Right Now -> Link

Coronavirus Concerns Lead to Reduced Hours, Limited Supplies for SGV Restaurants -> Link

Coronavirus Concerns Shut Down Three SGV Restaurants, Others Suffer Plummeting Sales -> Link

How a mom-and-pop restaurant pivoted to survive and serve the community during COVID-19

How a mom-and-pop restaurant pivoted to survive and serve the community during COVID-19

Introducing Readers to Sichuan Skewer Hot Pot

Introducing Readers to Sichuan Skewer Hot Pot