
Welcome to my website! Hope you have a nice stay! And don't forget to follow me on Instagram here

My Favorite Organic Restaurant in L.A.

I've blogged about this place multiple times before. It's true... I love this place. Go Green Zone! See past Exhibt 1 & Exhibt 2 . I've finally went through most of the items on their menu and found my 2 favorites. I apologize for the I-phone pictures once again. I will be using my camera again. I promise-especially in another week when I'll be in Hong Kong and Singapore eating my heart out. 

 Sea bass salad with cranberry vinegar sauce.
 I order my beef soba substituted with this green noodle made from Molokhia leaf. It's packed with vitamins. It's also Egyptian! How international of me! 
A close up of all the organic yummy healthiness. 

And of course I got that with an order of Passionfruit Ice Tea that is refillable! Drink up!

534 E Valley Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776

Happy Eatings!
Posts from Asia will be coming soon!

Sanrio 50th Anniversary!

My Thanksgiving Day Meals