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Mama Musubi Holding a Weeklong “Pop-up” at Aburiya Toranoko in Little Tokyo!

Mama Musubi Holding a Weeklong “Pop-up” at Aburiya Toranoko in Little Tokyo!

Mama Musubi will be holding a weeklong “pop-up” at Aburiya Toranoko in Little Tokyo! 1965475_687025938027121_1162826077_o

Mama Musubi will be having their first ever pop-up shop from March 7 - 15th in Little Tokyo! The one week event will feature their most popular rice balls, new flavors, and a collaboration with Chef Fujita of Toranoko.


I'm super excited to see what kind of fusion rice balls they come up with. It's fun to see places come up with new ideas and use different types of meats. It really takes the traditional musubis and kicks it up a notch! I mean Pork Belly and Jidori Chicken Musubis? Sounds delicious!

24 belly musubi

The pop-up will be located at: 243 South San Pedro St. in Los Angeles.

Happy Eatings!


Noodles Made With Crack And Unicorn Tears! Oh My!

Noodles Made With Crack And Unicorn Tears! Oh My!

Subway’s New Fritos Chicken Enchilada Melt

Subway’s New Fritos Chicken Enchilada Melt