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Hong Kong Continued...

I think this will be the last or next to last Hong Kong post for now. I've been back from HK for quite some time now. Actually, I'm in Boston on Auntie duty. =) So here we go!

 Che Kee in Causeway Bay has a Michelin Star. In recent years, they've been included in all the guidebooks so it's been increasingly annoying to go with some many tourists making the line extra long to get seated. What's awesome about CK is that their prices are on the low end compared to the usual prices for Michelin Star restaurants. If you want a taste of real, authentic Cantonese food-this is it. The location is also great. It's right across from Times Square, close to a Ladies' Market for shopping, and close to lots of street food. 
 Their straight forward lunch menu
 Can you spy the mini oysters in the spicy sauce? These are deep fried fish balls. The sauce was amazing. 
 Dumplings and soup filled with MSG. It's the food of champions! 

 Egg waffles! This has Hong Kong written al over it! But what makes it better than usual? You see, instead of the regular vanilla flavor this one is called the ying yang. Half chocolate and half vanilla! I loved it! I've had all the flavors there are to offer, but to have 2 flavors in one is AMAZING!!!  
 And just for kicks, here's a turtle bread my mom thought was cute. The chocolate eyes melted off in the humidity before I got home. Usually my rule of thumb is never buy anything that is too cute, but since the turtle's shell was made up of a pineapple bun I decided to humor my mom and buy it for her.
And of course, I was right. Bleh. Not impressive! It was also $6 US for that puny thing! 

Happy Eatings!

Boston Part 1

Back at Hana Sakazuki Again!